Best Restaurants in Queretaro (Outside of Centro)
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Best Restaurants in Queretaro (Outside of Centro)

Queretaro’s restaurant scene may not be as well-known as Mexico City or San Miguel de Allende, but its flair for traditional, contemporary, and international cuisines cannot be denied. With over 150 international companies having their Latin American headquarters in Queretaro, there are plenty of cuisine choices. Queretaro has restaurants ranging from Korean BBQ and Indian…

What American Foods Are Hard To Find In Mexico?
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What American Foods Are Hard To Find In Mexico?

People have plenty of questions before they move to a new country which is completely understandable. You want to know if there are good doctors, schools, easy transportation, and good neighborhoods. I’m part of a few expat groups on Facebook, and they are a great resource for questions you may have. But it’s not very…

Cost of Living in Queretaro
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Cost of Living in Queretaro

***Updated January 2025*** One of the most frequent questions I get as an expat living in Mexico is: “What’s the cost of living?” Well, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer.   Mexico is a large country with a variety of living conditions depending on where you choose to live. That said, the cost of living in…

How Long Can I Store an Open Bottle of Wine?
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How Long Can I Store an Open Bottle of Wine?

Whether it’s Thanksgiving dinner or cozying up on the couch for movie night, the situation always calls for wine. That perfect pop of the cork, the shiny liquid flowing into a glass, and the moment it’s savored in your mouth can make any occasion just that much more special. But as the night wears on…

Best Times for Shopping Discounts in Mexico
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Best Times for Shopping Discounts in Mexico

Our moms teach us from an early age never to pay full price for anything. This life lesson extends from prom dresses to Black Friday deals. It’s also true if you live abroad. Mexico is known for its low cost of living and inexpensive food prices, but at certain times of the year, price tags…

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Central Mexico’s Rainy Season
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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Central Mexico’s Rainy Season

Rainy season in Central Mexico has begun. Flowers are blooming on the cacti, grapes are plumping up on the vines and the desert dust is washed away. As romantic as this all sounds, the rainy season in Mexico brings with it a lot of good, a little bad and some ugly. Weather in Central Mexico…

Restaurants in Centro Queretaro – Where to Eat for Every Budget
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Restaurants in Centro Queretaro – Where to Eat for Every Budget

Eating while traveling is a given, but where should you eat? Tripadvisor and other review websites are great resources, but are they bolstered by tourists or locals? Around Jardin Zenea alone there’s plenty of choices easily within walking distance. You’ll see people in the parks eating ice cream and dancing. Visit around the holidays and…

Merry Christmas- Love, Mexico
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Merry Christmas- Love, Mexico

Experiencing Christmas in another country is always exhilarating. What will be similar? What will be different? This is our first Christmas in Queretaro, Mexico. Lights shaped as Christmas trees and stars hang from the lamp posts. Stores are draped in garlands of poinsettias and sparkling lights, and Christmas music blares out of every doorway and…

Cohetes and Palomas During Our Lady of Guadalupe Feast Day
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Cohetes and Palomas During Our Lady of Guadalupe Feast Day

If you think you’ll experience peace and relaxation when you visit or move to Mexico, keep dreaming. Mexicans are party animals. If there is something to celebrate, there will be music, dancing, singing, fireworks and most especially, the loud booms of cohetes and palomas. Cohetes and Palomas 24/7 Today, December 12, is the religious holiday…

Discover Art, History and Culture at the Museums of Queretaro
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Discover Art, History and Culture at the Museums of Queretaro

  The historical area of Queretaro is a UNESCO World Heritage site studded with beautiful architecture and monuments. Queretaro has grown from an agricultural region to the birthplace of the Independence movement, and helped shape Mexico into what it is today. The museums of Quertaro are an easy way to learn about the history and…