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  1. Thank You for sharing your story. It is funny how things differ so much from country to country. Each has their own set of concerns in regard to issues of security, fraud and a lack of confidence in (or should I say understand of) modern technology. The process is much quicker and easier here in Thailand although they are thorough in checking you out which does require a copy of your VISA certified within the last 30 days by your immigration officer. I have opened two bank accounts here in Thailand and completed each event within one hour as a walk in customer.

    Sorry to hear about the problems with your furniture order. This is something that could easily happen here as well. They all seem to think you are just sitting at home all day every day happy to wait for your delivery…

    After reading this story I am now encouraged to write one on the same subject as it might prove helpful to expats that are planning a move here or that have recently moved here…

    I’m curious as to the process for getting a driver’s license there! I wrote an article on that topic for Thailand which was very well received and my most read article to date. It does feel good when you know you can help someone navigate what can be an intimidating process…

    Best wishes to the both of you….

    1. Thanks Kenneth! Yes, I’d be interested to hear about moving to Thailand and how things are slightly different than the States. We do plan on getting a Mexican drivers license at some point. It will be one more form of identification issued by the government that no one could argue with. Should be an interesting experience!

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