About Us

Welcome to Epicurean Expats!


A Little About Us

We are not 20-somethings trying to hit 30 countries before we are 30, and we are not retirees with a fixed income and time on our hands. We are a working couple who found a way to live our dream in other countries before retirement age.

Is it sometimes a struggle? Yes.

Has it been worth it? Most definitely yes.

We met 14 years ago over wine…Tom owned a wine shop, and Tiffany was a wine rep. She walked in, and that was it! We lived the American Dream for a while… 70-hour work weeks, limited vacation time, and heaps of debt. Tiffany had worked in the Dominican Republic and the Bahamas before the big Recession hit, so she knew there was more to life than this constant grind. We both wanted more out of life than waiting for a paycheck and limited vacation time.

About Tiffany and Tom

A former animal trainer, Tiffany spent 13 years in the animal training field, 10 years in the conference industry, and 7 years in wine marketing. Her passion for wildlife leads us to more adventurous locations.

Tom has worked in every position in the wine industry from sales manager to retail owner and is a marketing genius. His passion for food has determined many of our travels.

Our Story

There are two different sides to our story, but they completely intertwine. One is our love of travel. The second is living in another country. You can’t live in another country without loving to travel!

We love to travel, and plan our travels not just around attractions and food, but also as exploratory trips to see “Could we live here”? So far our top three are Mexico, Spain, and Italy, but that could all change on the next trip. We’ve researched these three countries extensively, but Croatia and Sweden are also rounding out the top five. What we are really excited about on our travels is meeting people who made the leap to live in another country and hearing about their challenges and country quirks they have had to adapt to.

Lots of people dream of living overseas, but how do you make that dream come true? Every blog, article, and interview talks about how “wonderful” life is, but how did they get there? What steps did they have to go through? What obstacles did they encounter?  We all love hearing about the “happily ever after”, but there’s more to the story than rainbows and butterflies. And that’s what we share with you. The good, the bad, and a few surprises along the way.



To keep up to date on what’s happening with us, join us on our Facebook pages:

Epicurean Expats

Heart of Mexico Wine Tours





Prefer Instagram? We love sharing food pictures from street food to fine dining, destinations, and of course, our dog Ocho.



Guest Posts and Collaborations

www.thisismyhappiness.com  What’s It Like To Live In Queretaro, Mexico?

www.packyourbags.org Expat Story Collection: The Realities of Living Abroad

www.chefdenise.com: Mexican Food Guide: Top 10 Must Try Dishes

Publication Articles

InternationalLiving.com: 10 Things to do in Queretaro, Mexico

InternationalLiving.com: The Central Mexico Wine Region You Didin’t Know About 

CarpeTravel.com: Discover the Mexican Wine Country

CarpeTravel.com: Get to Know the Wines of Mexico

CarpeTravel: The Central Mexico Wine Region

CarpeTravel.com: Valle De Guadalupe Guide: Where To Sip, Stay, Eat, And Things To Do Beyond The Vines

Articles About Us

Mexico News Daily: Expat couple’s Querétaro wine country tours give visitors time to explore

El Restaurante: Wine Shines in Queretaro (request PDF Download)


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  1. Joe and I can’t thank you enough for showing us such a great time in Queretero!!!
    From the moment we spoke on the phone to finally meeting in person we knew we were kindred spirits!
    We appreciate all of your candidness regarding your new life in Mexico, and thank you for sharing it with us!!!
    We look forward to being neighbors but most of all friends!!
    Soon we will open a bottle of champagne to celebrate!!

  2. We have been to the highlands of Mexico many times, but this upcoming year would like to explore Queretaro. Is there a local online newsletter where folks post house sits? We did a housesit earlier this year for 2 1\2 weeks in Patzcuaro and loved it. Or alternatively, are there short term stay situations other than air bnb?

    Gracias por su ayuda

    1. Hi Carole! Yes, there is a housesit website specifically for Mexico called HouseSitMexico. I have seen Queretaro listed twice since I joined this year, but hopefully more will be listed during the dates you need. Ajijic by Lake Chapala seems to be very popular for housesits.

  3. Great site! We live in Pátzcuaro, Michoacán and will be escaping to Queretero for 10 days next week. We are wondering if there are “aguas thermals” in the areas surrounding the city and if you have a recommendation of a place to stay in order to visit the missions? All set in Centro.

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